Aunt Baby and Alvin Wesley

Aunt Baby and Alvin Wesley
Reasons I Smile...

Friday, March 22, 2013


I am in this race,
Never thought I'd end up here,
I can see the end.
Like a cotton ball,
Getting strong as iron,
I amaze myself.
Never say never.
You can do it, if you try.
If I can, you can.
Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush:  Don't Give Up
In my younger days, my focus seemed more singular and driven.  I knew what I wanted on a personal and professional level and acted with confidence, whether I felt it or not.

Then life happened, not at all turning out as planned, due to circumstances that were beyond my control.

My will to rebound and survive has made me very determined and grateful. I don't give up easily on the people and things I care about. 

I firmly believe that we are all so much stronger than we give ourselves credit for.  We rarely know our own strength until tested.
"Life is a succession of moments.  To live each one is to succeed."  (Corita Kent)

Thursday, March 21, 2013


I taste your sadness,
Burns my tongue like salt water,
My eyes cry for you.
I do not know all,
I try to walk in your shoes,
I will not judge you.
This is how I feel,
A nurse cares in so many ways,
Even to say no.

Simon & Garfunkel:  Bridge Over Troubled Waters
At the end of the day, we can be thoroughly exhausted from doing everything for everybody in our lives. 
Often there is little left for ourselves in the way of time, energy or even interest at the end of that same day.
Because we are naturally compassionate and caring, we want to be there when someone we love is down. 
Being there does not mean fixing something in most situations, as much as we would like to.  This is a wish and not a reality.
I have found myself in very dire situations saying: "I truly wish that I could make this better for you and I am so sorry that this has happened.  Can I listen for awhile? What are your thoughts?"
Time after time, when I cross the boundary of doing for instead of with someone, the end result is codependency and not compassion. 
"Mature love and healthy compassion are not dependent, but interdependent, born out of a deep respect for ourselves as well as others."  (Jack Kornfield)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I am beautiful,
And so are you, my dear friend,
Inside and outside.
A smile we can share,
Family, friends and nature,
Common ties we have.
To learn and respect
Our differences, we can
Even more beauty make.
Christine Aguilera:  Beautiful
Today I received a student paper from a nurse who is a single Mother of a sweet little three year old girl. The paper is beautiful, written from the heart and just a little late.  Considering all this woman juggles, that is no big deal.
I got the following note, along with her paper:
Hi Maria,
I cannot explain how many tears I have had taking this class. It made me notice I have to focus on me and it made me realize how much resentment I have towards myself.  Forgiving myself is one of the hardest things I have to do...thank you for helping me realize that.  This was an AHA moment.
Thanks for everything. _____
We are all so beautiful in our fragility, our vulnerability and our possibility.  I am grateful that I was able to remind this beautiful and strong young woman of her worth.
True beauty is natural, authentic and honorable.  True beauty does the right thing, no matter what.  True beauty radiates strength from within.
"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty."  (Maya Angelou)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Awe Inspired

Awe Inspired
Standing on the beach
Feeling insignificant
I am so tiny.
I know I matter.
Yet I look up at the sky,
I am but a speck.
I will do my best. 
Perfection is all around me,
 Even in the sand.
Depeche Mode:  Enjoy the Silence
I just lit a candle that is scented like the beach.  I am instantly calmer.  
As I am taking slow, deep breaths...the first I have in days, I am imagining that I am walking on a secluded sandy beach, barefoot, alone with my thoughts and feeling a connection with myself.
Life can seem to be such a race and I need to ask myself why?  I hear myself telling others to slow down and enjoy the ride, yet seem to have the hardest time of all following my own good counsel.
Perfection all around me
This perfection is not me...! That is perfectly OK...! It actually feels like a great sense of relief.
This perfection is all around for me to enjoy.  I need only to keep my eyes open and I will see countless examples in the beauty and majesty of nature.
"Don't try to be such a perfect girl, darling. Do the best you can without too much anxiety or strain."  (Jesse Barnard)